Ive stumbled upon what i deem one of the best comedy series EVER...
Stop fretting bout FRIENDS is over...
Forget bout Drew Carey (Not that he's funny at all, just that i cant think of anyother names.. :P)
Throw away King of Queens......
Coz u've got..... TAAAADAAAA.....
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart at Comedy Central!!

Now this guy is Jon Stewart... Man is he funny... Since here in Germany, the only English channel is CNN (Im not complaining, its quite informative and good actually.. ) I watch it quite often, and that is how i stumbled upon The Daily Show..
For those of you who doesnt really noe this guy, lemme tell u, he is, FUNNY and his sarcasm... Woah.... This show he produces and hosts is called the Daily Show. He mainly talks about the hot and happening political events happening in the US. Oh yea, not to mention, he was the host of this years Academy Awards too... (Enough proof to prove he IS funny!)
Hmmm... lemme recall one of his jokes... Ok... Recently there was an uproar in the United States bout Mexicans coming into the US illegally and flooding certain places... This is what he commented.. *It might not sound funny here, but...i'll try to 'reproduce' it :P* here goes...
Jon Steward: I often wonder why do u ppl like to come America so much? Why? *a curious look*..... a 3 or 4 seconds of silence....Then he bursts out and says 'Be patient!! We'll invade you!! We'll make your place, OUR place...
There was another instance where he was commenting bout a reply a US official made concerning the high gas prices when a reporter asked him whether the world has enough oil to meet Americas oil addiction... The official said sth like this:
I believe theres totally enough oil blah blah blah.. and ended, god bless America....
Jon Stewart commented after playing the video clip of that reply, and SUPER SUPER sacarstically said 'If god blesses America, why put the oil in countries that hate us?!'
Maybe it would be alil lame to retell such jokes with mere words.. I think facial expressions count alot..
So i would say, catch him in 'action' at CNN and judge it for yourself! :) Have fun! :P
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