Enticing Deutch Odyssey

-©hongshen's Blog- plethorame.blogspot.com

Summer Holiday in London..


To my FellOw ReAders, ThousAnd ApolOgies for the LOoooOng delay...
So, here goes.... =)
Summer holidays started on the 20th of July...
On the 21st, i headed off to LONDON with my cousin.. It was a pretty good trip if the eventualities were not taken into account (We missed our bus back home for Germany after our supposingly 6 day tour ended..etc... Long storry...)
Did you ppl actually know that theres such a place called "Dewan Malaysia" in London, ONLY and i mean ONLY for Msians to Lodge.. Cool huh? And its ReAllY cheap, compared to other hostels.. only 11.75 GBP per night, which is a GreAT bargain.. The catch is, we gotta come back before 11 at night.. >.< face="times new roman" color="#009900">CURFEWS".. Oh did i mention, i suck in malay now..Juggling up german and Malay words together.. SOMEHOW, i find similarites in them.. =)
Did i mention too, that London is EXPENSIVE? I lived on bread and milk throughout my trip..>.< (Its not that bad, its all normal in Europe.. BUT, IMAGINE, Day in day out, BRead bread bread.. BREAD!!!) At last, my cousin and i could no longer resist, we headed for "Char Siew and roasted Duck rice", just for a lunch... =) I went a little more extreme.. I ate Nasi Lemak too there.. =)
Sales were all around.. Didnt have much time to hunt around for stuff, BUT, one most appealing example would be....England Away Jerseys.. Guess how much do they cost?? It only costs RM 70 for one.. YES!! No kidding!! BUT, there wasnt my size... >.< *Yea if you ppl dont know, i wear S size here...CAnt keep cheating myself.. >:<* Wasted! I got so desperate, i even tried a kids one, size for a 14 year old kid... Well, i fitted in, just that, no one plays football in such sexy voluptous tight fitting outfit.. Ended up, got my younger sis one...Not only England Jerseys.. All top clubs of the EPL had their jerseys on sale too there...just launched, then 30% off.. This time around, i found my size, just that, it costs RM 200.. I decided, im still NOT yet a VERY extreme MU fan, so i passed.. =)
Coincidentally, the UK Motor Show was held in London too.. So, i visited it as well.. FUIYOO, breath taking cars.. Spent a whole evening there...
Hmm.. Visited typical must visits in London, need not elaborate... =)
Oh, the most happening place one must visit at night would be SOHO.. The heart of Londons night life.. I just took a stroll there, couldnt enter any as I AINT 18 yet.. >.<>PLEASE make sure that its a straight one, unless of course you arent, then theres no need to.. Coz in the hunt for eye-exercising-LLs in the pubs, i couldnt find any in some.. So it struck me.. =P Oh yea, the premiere of Miami Vice was there too.. Jamie Foxx and Colin Farell were somewhere in front of the crowd which my cousin and i were far far behind.. =)
I believe thats all for London.. Whatelse?? Hmmm... Oh, certain advices to give...
1. Dont intend to save money by not purchasing train cards and resolving to your poor feet instead when you have luggage.. *I know it sounds stupid,.. its like who would,...?? But still...*
2. Unless you come from some real ULU ULU place, DONT assume no one understands what your saying..
3. If you meet chinese ppl there, speak english to them, not chinese...*Sounds stupid huh?? But still too...*
Its all for now.. I will come back with posts frm Italy, Belgium and pictures.. But gimmie time.. =)

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