Enticing Deutch Odyssey

-©hongshen's Blog- plethorame.blogspot.com


Us...exchange students..There are 7 different nationalities in the picture.. Posted by Picasa


Host brothers.. Left, Oliver, right, Tobias.. Posted by Picasa


Host mom.. Astred... Posted by Picasa


Host father frm my midstay family.. Udo.. self claimed Profi.. Posted by Picasa


Me at the top of the Osnabr�ck Gate leading to the 'old town' center... Posted by Picasa


Theresa.. =) Posted by Picasa


all 3 categories of exchange students too.. Posted by Picasa


The bar, filled with ex-exchange students, current exchange students, and to be exchange students... Posted by Picasa


Exchange students.. Posted by Picasa



After midstay camp was pratically midstay, that is we exchange students changing families for 2 weeks... I lived in a place called Rütenbrock which bordered Netherlands.. Looks complicated and hard to pronounce huh? NO worries, theres an easier version to it.... its called....

Imagine, put a dot in the middle of a piece of paper. Than draw an arrow of similar length each to its right and left. At the end of the arrows, put down dots once more.. ALright, the right and left dot would respectively represent the nearest happening in Germany and in Netherlands.. AAND!Uve got it right! I LIVED IN THE MIDDLE DOT, which would be in the middle of nowhere!!
-Nearest train station 20 minutes away by car
-Very seldom do buses stop by my place or go frm my place to the nearest 'town'
Nevertheless, i had loads of fun! Within this 2 weeks, there were lotsa activities held in Osnabrück (this was the city where most of the midstay participants stayed except 3, and i was one of them!) I had to take a 90 minute train ride to get to these activities while others took not more than a 20 minute bus ride. My guest family was really nice and funny too..
But anw, was worth it!
I watched a football match too.. A piece of advice next time if you intend to go to germany for a football match.. Either you wear a jacket with a hood or you get the highest spot in the stadium where theres no crowd behind you. Otherwise, your hair will be moisturised with delicate german beer... =) These ppl toss beer cups when their team scores a goal, concedes a goal..etc.. wierd...
Oh here are some interesting facts..
-When i was in Osnabrück, after parties, ppl go home taking the bus at 3am..Cool huh?
- Did you know that it was actually against the law to wash your car at home? Ppl are supposed to bring their cars to these petrol kiosks to go for autocleaning..
-Theoratically, its also not allowed to duplicate keys without going through a list of agencies (like your insurance companies etc etc)..
So, this is all from me for now.. Pictures will follow.. =)

Random post...


Ive got a question... A serious question....
A quiz would be..Quizzical right?
WHat would a test be?
Anw... Heres a cool video clip, a flash animation.. Rather funny.. CHeck it out...

A sucky blogger trying to make up....Finally!


For a start, after my summer holidays, i went to a midstay camp before i went for a midstay. A midstay is where an exchange student goes to another family in another part of germany for 2 weeks.. SO this is what im doing now...

The midstay camp was GREAT! PPl of all different nationalities.. Brasiliens, Columbians, Argentinians, Aus, Thai, Malaysians, Guetamala, Jpn... BUT, one languange.. German! Was wonderful catching up with friends ive previously known, all in german mind u, even with the australians...During the camp, we attended seminars with the theme, europe, it was very informatve.. Eg, how many countries are there actually in the EU? Does anyone here know how the flag of LAtvia looks like? Or do u peeps know that theres a country called LAtvia anw? etc etc.. well, these were the questions.. There was a quiz which consisted lotsa aspects of europe, geographically, its language.. Imagine this.. THere are almost 12 oe 13 newspaper articles, and we have to read them, or scan them through to determine what language or where does the paper come from.. Russian, Swedish, Hollandish, Finnish etc etc...13! One more, we had to determine where the authors of books came from... Flags of countries... Who is who, this activity where we were given pics and had to determine who tehy were...Oh yea, car plates.. Abbreviations for european countries.. They can kill man...Freaking hard....The european map, we did it with the puzzle... MAtching country and its capital...Nevertheless, with everyone contributing, my group won! IT was no doubt informative, and great fun...

Anw, here are some pictures, enjoy.. =)

Behind me left to right, Guillero (Guetamala), Fabian(argentina), Fumiyaki(Jpn)

Australians, Kate and Onkar.. And we speak in German, not english...unbelievable

AFS Betreures.. Uta and Almut..

We four.. If u didnt notice, lemme tell u, im actually wearing a hairband here...My hair length reaches my nose.. Imagine..=P

Wasnt meant to be some kinda arousing pic or what, she didnt open her eyes properly.. Meet Lina from columbia.. MIa MOr..X

The brasilians.. With the shisha `ornamenting* the picture..

KAte and i with the thais...

Well, these are all for now, hope it makes up...ANd ppl, i reply mails more frequnet than i do blogginh.. Actually, its almost certain all mails i receive would receive a reply, which would come MUCH faster than an update in my blog..So, if u guys prefer it, u guys can email me.. TIll then, tschuss!

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